Bassist and multi-instrumentalist Stuart Chatwood and his band The Tea Party are touring Australia in …

Jonathan caught up with Mr Graves prior to his Australian shows that went ahead with rapturous acclaim!
I was lucky enough to have a chat with the one and only Michale Graves, former front man of The Misfits, about his upcoming Australian tour. We chatted about his amazing, FREE live show, his love of Australian beaches, and his plans to come back to Australia very soon.
J: You’re gonna be heading over to Australia very soon, are you looking forward to that?
Yeah, I’m really looking forward to performing over there. It’s kind of overwhelming how excited I am to come and show everyone what I can still do!
J: What can we expect to see and hear at your live show?
One hundred percent Rock n Roll. Non-stop bangers. I come out on stage, I bring everyone through a story through my music, and it really rocks. We’re playing a bunch of my hits, as well as other important songs from my career, and a bunch of songs that people have been begging me to play. You can expect me to sing my heart and my soul out!
J: You’re playing at some pretty cools venues, and both of the shows are free events!
Yeah, they absolutely are! Free! How awesome is that? I’m so excited about it. I wanted it to be free, it’s so amazing that I can come to your beautiful country and see so many beautiful people. I wanted anyone and everyone to be able to come and see me, and not have to worry about money. The show is at such a high level of intensity, it’s so full of energy, I’m so excited to share that for free. At the end of every show I come down and meet everyone, and I sign anything that people want signed, I take photos and give a lot of hugs, it’s going to be awesome. It’s such an honour for me.
J: What’s your favourite thing about Australia, and what are you looking forward to doing over here?
It’s such a short time that I’ll be over there, unfortunately I’m not gonna have heaps of time to do things other than my shows. The thing I’m looking forward to most is the shows of course, but I’m also a huge fan of surfing and the beach. For a long period of my life, I was spending more time in the water than out of it *laughs*.The Australian culture and lifestyle makes me feel so at home, it’s right up my alley, so I certainly look forward to going to the beach and having a bit of a swim and a surf. I don’t have too much time, I’ve got to get back to my family, but I definitely want to make at least one brief trip to the beach. I love being in the water and visiting beaches all over the world, it’s my happy place.
J: You’re only visiting Melbourne and Sydney on this tour, are you planning on coming back and visiting the other states any time soon?
I only had a very short time to do this tour unfortunately, but I want to come back really soon and visit all of the states, and say hello to all of my fans in the land down under. I promise, I will return, and I will go to every single beautiful city that wants me to come visit. These two shows are just a taster of what I’ll bring in the future, and I look forward to seeing everyone next time!