Is Ritual, the new for 2018 release from Brazilian icon, Max Cavalera and …
Marcela Bovio from MaYan
Dutch outfit MaYan feature the rich talent and dynamic vocal of Marcela Bovio, a Mexican national who accepted an opportunity to guest on the Dutch outfit’s 2014 album, Antagonise, before joining full time in 2017 to record the epic, Dhyana.
Listening to the album draws numerous comparisons. Therion was one, another was Devin Townsend’s vast, melodic metal. Somehow, amongst those two references, the brutal New York death metal of Immolation was another feature via the excellent Robert Vigna stylings of guitarist Frank Schiphorst.
When tasked with describing MaYan’s music to someone who is yet to sample the cuts found on Dhyana, Bovio has a ready response.
“I think we’ve been using this very convenient genre description called symphonic death metal, and I think I kinda like that because it comprises a lot of these things that you’ve described. There is also some proggy things, and I think that tag, also, is very permissive when it comes to the things that you’re allowed to do or not. And I kinda like that, I know that we like, this thing that we all have in common, that we like music to be complex and to be challenging and that’s what we made.”
Dhyana is a cinematic experience, a characteristic of the music is that it wouldn’t be out of place as a soundtrack to a Hollywood blockbuster, think movies like “The Mummy” and “Indiana Jones”. Is it reasonable to call MaYaN a themed or concept band given the soundtrack quality of Dhyana?
“I think so, because this is the first album where I am involved fully as a member, but I know that even in the past, Mark (Jansen – growled and screamed vocals) always has this vision around an album and this is also the case, there’s also very strong concept about meditation, being in the present moment, the power of being in the present moment. So all of the songs can relate to that topic, and I think that all of us being big fans of symphonic music and music scores and film soundtracks, that the two concepts really bond very well together, because it made the music very majestic, if I may say so myself. So even though very heavy and very death metal, there’s always a very majestic part to it that I think fits very well with the lyrics concept.”
Bovio’s presence is heard all across the album, the title cut is defined by her operatic performance. Prior to joining MaYaN she earned a reputation as an excellent vocal coach and teacher, it was therefore interesting to discuss her mentoring experiences and how it might have helped the band.
“Well, the thing is, I think we’re with five singers in the band now, it’s kinda amazing, I have to say, I think they all excel in what they do, in a way that is just fantastic, you know. We have George Oosthoek who is like legend on grunts in the Netherlands, and, basically everywhere, and what he does, he does fantastically. And we have Laura Macrí and she is a fantastic opera singer, so everyone really excels at what they do. But I have had one, a time when we were on tour, last April and May, and Laura and Mark left for a couple of days to go to her brother’s wedding, so when they came back, they were like totally devastated from the party, so she was having a bit of a hard time because she couldn’t sleep, and for singers sleep is very important. So, I gave her a few tips, well maybe, you know, because you are not well rested you can try this and this, and it helps, that made me happier that I can help also a bit when someone is in need.”
Dhyana is a wonderful heavy metal listening experience best sampled through a choice pair of headphones.
Dhyana is available 21/9/2018 through Nuclear Blast. Pre-order the album via iTunes here.